
Thursday, August 30, 2018

my Poetry

Cool awesome
Interesting amazing annoying
Is a god at fortnite

Magical mystery
Prancing dancing smiling
They poop out rainbows

Ben is awesome and
An amazing friend
He helps me with my maths

Andys marbles

Friday, August 24, 2018

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Where Children Sleep

Where children sleep
Wadi abu hindi,the west bank.

He sleeps on carpet with a fence around him he has a pet goat.
he lives behind some hills his family live in a shed he could sleep
in a car but he does not. His pet goat sleeps with him.he has a
carpet roof not a ideal roof.I would not sleep there that's for sure

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Animal Sleep

Animal sleep
All animals need sleep.some sleep standing up because
otherwise there  ligaments and tendons can lock into place.
The only time they sleep lying down is rem sleep which is deep herds one half is in rem sleep the other half is just
sleeping normally. some animals sleep very little like giraffes
adult giraffes sleep less than five hours a day.did you know
some birds sleep while they fly.can

You believe that trying to sleep while sleeping.Dolphins
can turn off half their brain to sleep then they swap sides
but how?dolphins have to come up to the surface to breath
it would make it hard to sleep.sperm whales stay motionless
floating when they sleep and they can hold their breath  for
90 mins they sleep.some sharks do it to.